

Chicherin,Georgi Vasilievich Chichester Chichester,Sir Francis chicken chickenpox
chick pea chickweed Chiclayo chicle chicory
Chiemsee Chiengmai chiffchaff Chifley,Joseph Benedict chigger
chigoe Chihli,Gulf of Chihuahua Chihuahua Chikamatsu Monzaemon
chilblain child abuse childbirth Childers,Robert Erskine Children’s Crusade
Child Support Agency Chile,Republic of Chillan chilli Chillon
Chiloe Island Chiltern Hills Chiltern Hundreds Chi-lung chimaera
chimaera Chimborazo,Mount Chimbote Chimera Chimkent
chimpanzee Chimu china clay China,People’s Republic of chinch bug
chinchilla chinchilla cat chinchilla rabbit Chindits Chindwin,River
Chinese Turkistan Turkmen Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands
Turku turmeric Turner,Joseph Mallord William Turner,Nat turnip
turnover tax turnstone turpentine turpentine tree Turpin,Dick
turquoise turtle turtle dove Tuscan order Tuscany
Tusculum tusk shell Tussaud,Marie tussock moth Tutankhamen
Tutuola,Amos Tutu,Desmond Tuvalu Tver Twain,Mark
twayblade tweed Tweed,River Twelfth Day Twelve Tables
twelve-tone music Twickenham twill twins Two Thousand Guineas
Tyburn Tyche Tyler,John Tyler,Wat Tylor,Sir Edward Barnett
Tyndale,William Tyndall,John Tyne and Wear Tynemouth Tyne,River
typesetting typewriter typhoid fever Typhon typhoon
typhus typography Tyr Tyrannosaurus tyrant
tyrant flycatcher Tyre Tyrol Tyrone Tyson,Mike
Tyumen Tzu-ch’eng Tzu-po Tz’u-his T’ung-chih
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