algorithm description
ALDES 演算法描述语言
Cercospora daizu Miura; Cercospora leaf spot of the soy bean; frog eye disease of the soy bean; C. sojina Hara
Cercospora deightonii
Cercospora digitalis Nakata et Takimoto
Cercospora dolichi Ellis et Everhart; C.vignae Raciborski; C.raciborskii Matsumoto et Nagaoko; C.neovignae Yamamoto
Cercospora dubia
Cercospora edgeworthiae Hori; leaf spot of the paper-bush
Cercospora elephantopodis
Cercospora erechtitis
Cercospora eriobotryae Enjoji
Cercospora erythrinicola
Cercospora eugeniae
Cercospora fabae Fautrey; ring spot of the broad bean; zonate leaf spot of the broad bean; C.zonata Winter
Cercospora fagopyri
Cercospora fagopyri Nakate et Takimoto
Cercospora fukushiana
Cercospora fusimaculans Atkinson C.panici-miliacei Saw.
Cercospora gaultheriae
Cercospora gerberae
Cercospora gossypina
Cercospora gossypina Cooke; leaf spot of the cotton Plant; Mycosphaerella gossypina(Cooke) Atkinson
Cercospora grandissima
Cercospora hibiscicannabini Saw.; C. abelmoschi Ellis et Everhart
Cercospora hibiscimanihotis P.Henn.; Cercospora leaf spot of the abelmoshus root
Cercospora hibisci Tracy; Cercospora leaf spot of the amberihemp C.abelmoschi Ellis et Everhart; C.hibiscicannabini Saw.
Cercospora hosodai Fukui; brown leaf spot of the hemp; C. cannabis Hara; Cercosporina cannabis Hara et Fukui
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更新时间:2025/3/20 5:26:41