释义 |
condensation heat of | 凝结热 | 矿冶工程名词 |
heat of condensation | 冷凝热;凝结热 | 化学工程名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 力学名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 化学名词-化学术语 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 地球科学名词-大气 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 地球科学名词-海洋 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 机械工程名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 气象学名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 海事 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 物理学名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 航空太空名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热 | 计量学名词 |
heat of condensation | 凝结热;冷凝热 | 海洋科学名词 |
heat of condesation | 凝结热 | 食品科技 |